Monday, September 22, 2008

stock Pickage

No new picks.

Fin's are testy and I'm not sure when to take my long position. I've heard a theory that once the 700bn bailout details are approved we'll see a comeback. I definitely want to go long on these before that happens.

I'll split the funds over some of the once I saw move the most last time--ABK,RDN,RAMR,DSL,FMD, and PMI

As for short picks. Timmy just released a 17 stock list of shortables. Lots of good ideas here and lots of big %tage gains in minimal time. Yes, the shorting rule has no effect on this list, and many other companies... like Jamba Juice... which rolls in penny filth every day. Look at it. Sitting pretty at 1.00. Just useless.

You can take away shorting financials... but they will still fall. Let that be a lesson to the SEC.

Yng has a nice post on 10/60 cross using Financial ETF's. Take a look at the Pennystock Financials i listed above and compare them to the ETF charts. They are mirror images!

get that green.