My short picks for today were all over the place. I've learned I need to do fewer and more researched picks. Today I was scrambling at open to check all of my picks. I ended up playing something off my old list.... RAMR!
Thats right i'm in o/n on RAMR. After a long aftermarket convo w/ Yngvai I saw how great of a buyin it really was. Looking at the chart using 10/60 moving averages, I bought in right where a crucial cross happened on the RAMR, VIX, and DJI charts. I'm up 20%, and depending on how many more close their shorts and what rules/rumors surface on banning shorting, I could be in for much more price action. We shall see.
I'm going to list all of the financials that are def in play if the aforementioned occurs:
These alone ALWAYS provide plenty of scalping potential so most of my day will be focused on them. They are all up and down on the % gainers list. Be sure to save todays list to reference tommorw. This a market approved pick list people!
I've got 3 day trades tommorw, and DJI gained over 400 point after yesterday's tank. We're back above 11K point on the index and confindence may be returning as the fed moves to spend up to 1/2 a trillion on saving the mortgage market.
Tommorw will be a good day!